LEED certification, an environmentally friendly evaluation method
LEED certification, an environmentally friendly evaluation method
Nowadays, one of the certifications that has had more diffusion in the world is the LEED certification. Thanks to the incredible benefits that it provides by obtaining it, it is still the sensation in the construction and operation of sustainable projects. Now I ask you: would you like to learn more and become an expert on the subject? If your answer is yes, don’t hesitate and read this section of our blog, where we will tell you all about this type of certification.
The first thing to know is that LEED stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, and it is an international certification system that confirms that a project has the necessary sustainability strategies to generate a lower impact on the environment, which adds value to the buildings.
There are different types of LEED certification, which are obtained through a scoring system:

There are certain criteria that are taken into account and play a crucial role when awarding certification levels Do you know what they are?
Sustainable sites are one of them. In this case, experts evaluate the exact location where the building will be constructed to verify whether they meet the objective of reducing the impact on the ecosystems and resources of the area. They also study water efficiency, that is, they check if there is an intelligent management of water consumption. Similarly, energy efficiency is assessed to measure the amount of energy used by a building for its operation. Other elements that are analyzed are the materials and resources with which it is constructed, innovation in design and indoor air quality to determine if the building has good ventilation and adequate temperature.

A clear example of a LEED-certified building in Mexico is the HSBC Tower, located on Paseo de la Reforma in CDMX. This building was built in 2002 by the global architecture firm Helmuth Obata & Kassabaum and became the first to obtain the certification in our country.
In Mexico, LEED certification is granted by GBCI Mexico and the process to obtain it consists of 7 steps:
- Validation of the minimum requirements of the program
- LEED System Selection
- Project registration
- Application for certification
- Preliminary review
- Final Review
- LEED certification of the project
It is important to emphasize the importance of projects having this certification, since according to the Deimos Estadística website: “cities account for between 60% and 80% of energy consumption and 75% of carbon emissions” (deimosestadística.com, S, F). So, undoubtedly, having buildings that help reduce these percentages is essential for the care of the planet.
In addition, another very interesting fact to consider is that according to the site IZA Business Centers, “Mexico ranks eighth in the annual list of the 10 countries and regions with more LEED certifications in the world” (blog.izabc.com.mx, 18/11/2019).
Productos Pennsylvania, is characterized by seeking solutions that help achieve the best results, which is why we have a range of products that contribute to obtaining points for LEED certification.
We invite you to contact our technical support department for specialized advice on any questions related to your project or selection and application of these products.