Sustainable construction, a green trend in the world of architecture

Sustainable construction, a green trend in the world of architecture

There is no doubt that sustainable construction is evolving more and more and is becoming a very important branch in architecture worldwide. However, today many people do not know what it is all about and that is why in our article we will tell you in detail about this fascinating trend.

Let’s start with the most important thing: What is sustainable construction?

It is a new architectural trend that consists of the construction of buildings using materials and techniques with low environmental impact, in order to be respectful of the environment that surrounds them.

The main benefits of these buildings are divided into three categories: environmental, economic and social.

The environmental ones refer to the care of the environment and the protection of the ozone layer, but how is this achieved? The answer lies in the fact that this type of construction generates a 51% reduction in the carbon footprint compared to ordinary construction, which helps to reduce the impact on global warming.

The economic ones are the initial operating costs, because, although it is believed that sustainable buildings require a very high investment, the reality is that they do not exceed 3% of the capital expenditure compared to a normal one. It has also been proven that in the long run, thanks to their profitability, they generate considerable savings.

Another economic benefit is the reduction of energy consumption and water waste, because according to the site Inarquí “On average, a green building uses 30% less energy and 25% less water than a traditional one”.

Finally, there are the social benefits, such as health care and improved quality of life. Did you know that humans spend 90% of our time indoors? That is why having an adequate indoor environment is essential. In addition, this type of building avoids the use of materials such as steel, concrete, asbestos or asbestos, among others, which are harmful to health.

It is worth noting that our country has green buildings that have contributed to this trend, and that today have become a benchmark for sustainable architecture in Mexico and LATAM. Among them are:

“Dos Patios, CDMX” building by Enrique Macotela, the ‘Cointainer City, Puebla’ by Gabriel Caram, the ‘GSI Tower, Cancun’ by Sanzpont Arquitectura, the ‘Torre Mayor, CDMX’ by architect Paul Reichmann, the ”Torre Reforma Latino, CDMX” by Landa + Martinez Arquitectos, the ‘Torre KOI, Monterrey’ by HOK and VFO Arquitectos and the ‘Infonavit, CDMX (the largest green roof in Latin America)’ which is located on top of the building constructed by Teodoro Gonzalez de Leon and Abraham Zabludovsky.

In Productos Pennsylvania we have high quality products, ideal for this type of construction and that contribute to obtain points for LEED certification.

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